December 5, 2006

Another One of Those Bergman Kind of Days

This article in Variety today announcing that the totally brilliant English comedian/writer Jennifer Saunders (one of the minds behind Absolutely Fabulous!) will be producing two new series for BBC America inspired Cinecultist to click around on YouTube for classic French and Saunders episodes. We found the above Bergman parody which features Death asking for a Hob Nob. Ridiculously funny, you must admit.

By the way, CC has also had Ingmar Bergman on the brain lately because the documentary Bergman's Island will be screening at Film Forum starting tomorrow. Bergman is such a cute old coot reminiscing about his career from his home on Fårö Island. Did you know he was married 5 times, had 9 children and that sequence from Scenes From A Marriage where the husband comes home only to announce he's leaving his unsuspecting wife for another woman, Bergman really did that to wife number two? The film is quite a tribute to the amazing life of a true cinema artist.

Posted by karen at December 5, 2006 3:01 PM