Cinecultist may not be able to jet off to Toronto, *sigh* but there's still loads of things to see in town this weekend, including a tribute to our nabe and its cinematic roots put on by the Federation of East Village Artists, Howl: the 1st Annual East Village Arts Festival. There's masses o' culture to be consumed at this fest, (including the infamous Wigstock on Saturday @ 4:30 pm) but Cinecultist is particularly looking forward to catching the Jack Smith Tribute (Friday, Aug. 22 @ 8 pm; Millennium Film Workshop, 66 E 4th St.) and Live from Shiva's Dance Floor (Wednesday, Aug. 20 - Tuesday, Aug. 26. @ 6 pm; Pioneer Theater, 155 E 3rd St.), a docu wherein "Richard Linklater follows Timothy “Speed” Levitch as he tours lower Manhattan and Ground Zero, musing upon how we as a city and a society can mourn yet move forward." Sounds sort of like Waking Life, but minus the animation.
The full schedule of films through Aug. 26. Prices vary for admission. Time Out New York (as one of the sponsors of the event) has a long article on East Village culture this week that's worth checking out, although sadly it's not online so we'll have to direct you to the newstand. The coverage in the Times.
Posted by karen at August 21, 2003 2:25 PM