Cinecultist consists primarily of Karen Wilson, a freelance writer and editor living in the East Village of New York City. She holds a master of the arts in cinema studies from New York University and has also attended the University of California, Davis and the University of Kent, Canterbury in England. Her writing has appeared in (chronologically) the Epitaph, California Aggie, San Jose Metro, Willow Glen Reader, Sacramento News & Review,,, Paper magazine, BlackBook magazine, Reverse Shot, Filmington, Daily Gusto and Gothamist Arts + Events.
contact: karen at cinecultist dot com
Sometimes Making Guest Appearances:
Our Portland correspondent is Jordan Foster, a screenwriter, cinema studies scholar and film production go-to-girl. She does it all, its true. She holds a BFA from New York University.
contact: jordan at cinecultist dot comJosh Huffman, a film school grad and avowed media whore, comes to us from Virginia and other exotic locales with his expertise in actors' filmographies and obscure upcoming releases. He can be found analyzing music, obsessing over tv and gossip mongering at Cultivated Stupidity.
contact: josh at cultivated stupidity dot com
Seattle Maggie (Lee) moved to the Pacific Northwest after graduating UC Berkeley because 1) she doesn't mold easily, and 2) she's been known to have her best ideas while heavily caffeinated. She is a cubical dweller by day, and a writer/playwright/theatrical lighting designer by night. Her interests include animation, Asian horror films, Food Network, BBC America and anything starring Brendan Fraser.
contact: klomdac at yahoo dot com