December 21, 2007

More Awards, Best of Lists and Such

The Ah-ctors (aka the Screen Actors Guild) weighed in on their favorite films of the year, and like Cinecultist enjoyed Into the Wild's performances giving the ensemble cast a nomination, among others.

IndieWire's Critics Poll (a spin off on the now defunct Village Voice poll edited by Dennis Lim) is also out now. Our colleagues liked There Will Be Blood, Zodiac and No Country For Old Men as their top three. Cinecultist was not surprised to see Syndromes and a Century also near the top of the list. We know quite a few of the folks in the voting pool and they tend to go nutso for those obscure Thai films about memory and loss. We also now apparently need to find a way to see Secret Sunshine, a Korean movie they named the best undistributed film of the year.

Also, Cinecultist wants to mention we have such a burgeoning crush on Michael Cera. One of his next movies, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist just finished shooting here in New York, and according to the Longstockings is a great teen book. Maybe we'll add it to the winter vacation reading pile.

Posted by karen at December 21, 2007 1:23 PM
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