With only an hour and a half to go until the 79th annual Academy Awards get under way, (be sure to check out our liveblogging with fellows Gothamists Jen Chung and Margaret Harper) the Cinecultist looked over the nominees and offers up our predictions in the major categories. How cloudy is the crystal ball this year? Only time and the envelopes will tell but CC has a good feeling about our ability to peer into the minds of the tried and true Oscar voters.
Supporting Actress:
Could it be anyone besides Jennifer Hudson?
No, it couldn't. And she lost it at the podium thanking her grandmother and God.
Supporting Actor:
Two months ago CC would've said Eddie Murphy was the shoo-in but now with the Norbet factor, we're going to go Mark Wahlberg.
And it goes to the old guy, Alan Arkin.
Foreign Language Film:
Pan's Labyrinth seems to have the traction.
Wow, totally suprised that the Academy liked The Lives of Others best, though CC thought it was great too.
Animated Feature:
We loved Monster House but we bet Oscar will prefer Cars.
Totally wrong on this one, they loved Happy Feet.
Writing (Adapted):
How we wish it could be Children of Men but we're going to go with The Departed.
The Departed it is.
Writing (Original):
Could it be anything besides The Queen?
Oy, it's Little Miss Sunshine written by Matthew Broderick's former assistant.
Documentary Feature:
Here's the moment where Al Gore announces his candidacy in '08 as he clutches the statue for An Inconvenient Truth in his hot little hand.
No surprise "my fellow Americans," it's Truth for the win.
Gawd, CC loves Helen Mirren, as will Oscar, even though she's won every other award she's been nominated for this season.
Right again and lovely Helen brings her purse up to the stage to accept her statue.
Forest Whitaker because he's too scary not to get it.
Hooray for Forest, he really deserves it.
Best Director:
Everyone agrees that this will be Marty's year for The Departed.
And it is. Who's cuter than Martin Scorsese? Nobody.
Best Picture:
It's all about Babel baby.
Wow, at this point [12:15 freakin' a.m.!] we're almost too tired to care that it went to The Departed instead.
Whew, swami Cinecultist is tired now. We're popping out now to stock up on some extra diet Coke and conciliatory/celebratory frozen yogurt for after the telecast. We'll be updating this post as the results come in.
Posted by karen at February 25, 2007 6:26 PM