There's some weird, wonderful stuff on the web, not least of all are many, many short DIY video projects. As a DIY critic of sorts, Cinecultist applauds their plucky spirit and their initiative to get their video work out in any way possible. Here's a few that floated into our inbox recently which we think are worth a click or two.
- The Burg. This week's episode of the self-produced TV program which mocks those young L train riders features music from the lovely Bravo Silva, a band Cinecultist has seen play so many times we're practically a groupie. Plus, jokes about "Defend Brooklyn" t-shirts, sucky roommates who play tabla and a shot of one character reading Brooklyn Vegan on their laptop is enough to keep us coming back for more.
- Four Eyed Monsters. This film about a young New York couple who meet via the internet and decide to only correspond through artistic mediums as they begin their relationship is a part of indieWire's Undiscovered Gems showcase. There will be live screenings of this film around the country, and in New York one this Tuesday and Wednesday at Cinema Village. There's also a party at Pioneer Bar on Bowery following the Tuesday screening, so you could actually interface in real life with some fans of this tribute to online dating.
- Inside. CC probably shouldn't reveal this but we're a sucker for the personal missive from struggling filmmakers. Jeff Mahler wants to get folks out to the LA screenings of his indie, Inside about a peeping tom who breaks into people's houses to know them better. We don't post links to all such messages, but the trailer for Jeff's movie features the same creepy piano music on Eyes Wide Shut. Ballsy move to allude to such a reviled mainstream thriller and thus, here is your request link.
Keep those emails and links coming DIY videomakers! How else are we going to keep entertained during the long day job hours?
Posted by karen at June 26, 2006 5:56 PM