June 20, 2006

It May Be Old News But It's Still Beautiful


Sometimes Cinecultist would like to write about music (or art or fashion or New York) on this site but we need a movie in, so to speak. We're looking forward to seeing mellow indie fellow José González next week at Bowery Ballroom and today our co-worker Jonathan pointed out this amazing commercial for Sony Bravia that José contributed the song for the soundtrack which Jon read about in Esquire. Perfect little roundabout in.

This is one of those short films that leaves you a little speechless because it's such a beautiful concept (a quarter of a million bouncy balls flying down a San Francisco street) and also a little mind-boggling to figure out how they did it. At first our mind lept to the CGI solution, but according to this Flickr set we found and postings on SFist indicate that they actually orchestrated 250,000 balls flying down Filbert and Leavenworth last summer. 23 cameramen in protective gear caught the whole thing in one take, amazingly enough. Be sure to watch the extended 2 and a half minute version on Sony's site, it takes a bit to load but is well worth it. Hooray for smart short films and good songs on the soundtrack!

Photo by Sepiatone from Flickr

Posted by karen at June 20, 2006 3:38 PM