Just two things we thought you'd like to know:
- We interviewed two filmmakers last week, Nicholas Jarecki and James Toback. Toback made such movies as Two Girls and a Guy and Black and White and Jarecki made a documentary about Toback called The Outsider which is playing at Cinema Village right now. You can read the full interview on Gothamist. And for the record, CC thinks it would be a very bad idea if film critics were expected to offer a money back guarantee on their recommendations.
- Cinecultist enjoyed this article by Ginia Bellafante in yesterday's NY Times about The Devil Wears Prada's supposedly accurate depiction of the fashion journalism world. As a writer who sort of has a toe in this body of water, we're even more curious to see/judge the film now after reading this commentary. In fact, we're sorta thinking about having a whole DWP night where CC and the girl friends drink strong, bright pink drinks and wear high heels before attending a late night screening. Maybe there will be tiaras involved too, because really nothing says party like a bunch of drunk girls wandering around downtown New York in tiaras.
Posted by karen at June 19, 2006 2:53 PM