February 19, 2006

Bring On The Glib and Salacious HBO

HBO's Big LoveWill Big Love with Bill Paxton, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Chloe Sevigny and Ginnifer Goodwin become Cinecultist's new HBO obsession? The preview in today's NY Times certainly has further peaked our interest. Particularly the following telling quote from one of the series' writers:

"The only way this material can truly be handled is to be nonjudgmental,"Mr. [Mark V.] Olsen said. "We're not interested in the glib and salacious. We're interested in universal themes about family and marriage."

But there is plenty of glib and plenty of salacious, and in that sense the material does seem true. A few months ago I asked Ross Chatwin, one of the renegade residents of Colorado City, about what truly motivated the elders of the fundamentalist church to marry so many women — religious calling, or sex?

"It's all about sex," he said.

Posted by karen at February 19, 2006 4:13 PM