One of the first real conversations Cinecultist had with our now former co-worker Josh Horowitz -- author, blogger and subject of today's Gothamist interview by Aaron and Lily -- it was regarding what kind of person he was. He'd just been hired to fill an editorial spot previously occupied by a music person, so we thought maybe that was his thing. Oh no, he told us, I'm a movie person. Me too! we said. So I've heard.
And thus a totally geeked out friendship was born. His new book, The Mind of the Modern Moviemaker: Twenty Conversations with the New Generation of Filmmakers looks like a fun read from when we flipped through it at the office, so be sure to check it out at your nearby book purveyor. Also, Josh's blog, is getting to be one of our must-reads if only because we no longer get a daily dose of his patent-pending movie wit at work. Sad face for CC but happy face for everyone else now getting to know Josh's work.
Posted by karen at January 31, 2006 1:01 PM