September 9, 2005

When Directors Go Out On The Town

Last night, Cinecultist went to the launch party for the next four volumes of the popular Director's Label dvds. It's a chance to see the collected music and experimental video work of Anton Corbijn, Jonathan Glazer, Mark Romanek and Stéphane Sednaoui all at once. CC'd hoped when we got the invite for some sort of gift bag/swag action at the event, particularly with the discs themselves nestled inside but instead we settled happily for open bar and the four volumes displayed on the wall in mute mode.

There was also much amusing people watching to be had. We saw poor Chris Rock cannibalized by a flock of party photographers from various publications, James Iha chatting with Melissa Auf der Maur, Peter Dinklage resting on a cushion, Patrick McMullan trailed by a camera crew plus many, many models/musicians/artists. We assume they were models or musicians or artists because they were either freakishly tall, unnaturally gorgeous or wearing hairstyles that you couldn't imagine seeing in a midtown brokerage office. JP and the Cinecultist also intended to propose a weird, admiration-based three-way marriage to director Michel Gondry. While he did pass us a few times in the crowd, we didn't quite get around to suggesting spending the rest of our lives in surreal yet whimsical wedded bliss.

So after we consumed our quota of free booze and eye candy, CC headed home, eschewing cab, subway or rickshaw for a walk the whole way from Chelsea's 21st Street and the West Side Highway to our Eee Vee. That's surely enough exercise for at least the next week, right?

Posted by karen at September 9, 2005 9:13 AM