Today the Cinecultist, aka the writer otherwise known as Karen, turns 28. And this blog just completed it's second year of existence. And our tenure in New York is nearing the four year mark, so it's a time for celebrating and neurotic reevaluations.
According to our friend Jen, 28 in Chinese is a lucky number because it sounds similar to a phrase about becoming wealthy. So we figure, this is the year where we really cash in on this film critic stuff.
By the way, not tonight because CC is a slave to the man, but on Saturday there will be drinking in the Lower East Side. In the meantime, please show us some birthday sugar in the comments. Because as we said, being this much closer to three-oh is praying on our nerves and we need as much reassurance as we can get.
Posted by karen at May 16, 2005 9:09 AMAlthough you will get the sugar in other forms, here is some comment birthday sugar. HAPPY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY! WOOOO!
Posted by: Matt at May 16, 2005 1:51 PMHappy B-day Karen!
Yes, please become a 7 figure film critic asap. I'm hoping to cash in on the dirt I have on you re: the first moview we say together.
Time for your 45 year old uncle bought himself a house on some backmail green.
Uncle Randy
Posted by: Randy at May 16, 2005 3:48 PMDamn the man! Damn him! But happy birthday to yooooooouuuu! (that was in off-key song format, for added sugary goodness)
Posted by: Lisa at May 17, 2005 7:31 AMHelp! I'm trapped in the theater! But I still wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, one day fashionably late. I'm looking forward to growing old together, even on opposite coasts. Sorry I didn't get you any individually-wrapped Skittles this year :P
Posted by: Seattle Maggie at May 17, 2005 3:40 PMtad late, but still... happy birthdaisies from a noname reader. :)
Posted by: cc at May 20, 2005 6:56 PMi am an idiot and i am lead by richard simmons
Posted by: idiot at May 26, 2005 11:26 AM