Just a little gratuitous Jake Gyllenhaal with shaved head on the red carpet picture action for all of you fans out there. CC still hearts Jake but this shaved head thing is not not working for us. Grow back those lovely locks soon, Jakie. [via Yahoo! photo galleries]
A full list of the winners, in case you needed something more official than our spotty list in our live blog of the event.
Also, Defamer live blogged the telecast from the west coast. Try not to cry from laughing while reading it, this behavior looks suspicious at work.
Regarding the Sideways win for Best Adapted Screenplay and the novelist's struggles while writing the book:
[Rex] Pickett's financial situation was so dire that he often faced eviction from his apartment as he struggled with the aftermath of the breakup of his marriage and the deaths of his mother and agent. So he decided to write a novel about himself, a failed novelist who retreats to wine."Miles' story really is my story," Pickett admitted recently. "At one point, the landlord was going to evict me because the rent was three weeks late, and I told him I couldn't pay it because my mother had died. He said, 'That's what you told me six months ago.' " [via Variety]
Yay for the literary underdog having his day at the Oscars!
Posted by karen at February 28, 2005 12:18 PM