For some reason, we've got nothing today, cinema-wise. The blizzard has left Cinecultist depleated and sluggish, even though we spent part of it in an Australian bar deep in the Eee Vee drinking fruity champagne cocktails and the other part in bed reading Lemony Snicket books. Both the mother and the grandmother (not related, except by former marriage) called from California to make sure we were wearing boots. The streets are clogged with slush and we really need to go shopping for more potent moisturizers.
In the face of all of this, we bring you two shameless plugs --
° If you live in the Pacific Northwest, particularly Seattle you really should go out to see Seattle Maggie's theater group, the Pork Filled Player's sketch comedy show running from Feb. 4 through Feb. 26. The show is called "In the Mood for Lard" which is such an awesome title for an Asian American comedy troupe's performance, we can barely stand it. Our SM works as a writer/lighting designer for them and if only we hadn't just started a new job with no vaca days yet, we'd hope on the first cheap JetBlue flight out there. Tickets cost $12/$9 and can be purchased at Performances at the NW Actors' Studio Cabaret at 1100 E. Pike Street.
° Please go vote for Gothamist in the Bloggies this year. The reasons are two-fold: 1) Gothamist is a great little site that we're honored to be contributor to and 2) maybe then Dobkin will stop sending us e-mails about the pending nominations.
Posted by karen at January 24, 2005 11:50 PM