September 22, 2004

Presidential Progeny Smackdown


Apparently, there's a big fray brewing between Mandy Moore and Katie Holms with your poor Cinecultist caught in the middle. Pish posh, we jest — it's only between their competing projects, teen rom coms about the fictional president's fictional daughter. Mandy's, Chasing Liberty, came out last winter and we dared to call it the Best Movie of the Year. Now Katie's, First Daughter, is set to hit the theaters this weekend. In anticipation, we bring you the above picture to oggle of Holmes and hunky Marc Blucas who was Riley Finn from "Buffy" and in I Capture the Castle, one of our top 10 from last year.

That's all really. CC just think they're both so preeety.

PS. Happy Birthday yesterday to two others we like to objectify in a platonic, non stalker kind of way, Jen and Aaron. Many happy returns from the Cinecultist.

Posted by karen at September 22, 2004 9:03 AM