August 27, 2004

And The Answer Is... Yes

Thanks to all of the responses and visitors regarding our Vincent Gallo trivia yesterday -- CC heart responses from readers. Jess thought we should request pictures, with hottest guy wins, and though we found Gawker's suggestion intriguing, we thought we'd refrain this time. Envelope please. And the pass for the weekend screening at the Sunshine to Brown Bunny goes to ...our reader Ralph McGinnis. Ralph guessed Yes, and he is correct. Congrats, Ralph you're quick on send button, as you were the first correct answer. We hope you enjoy the movie.

According to Gallo, his uncle in Buffalo owned a limosine service and would get free tickets for all the cousins to the rock shows. At the age of 12, Gallo saw Yes, thought they were faboo and at the Rothko show dedicated one song to guitarist Chris Squires. Is there a guy more unabashedly earnest and romantic as Vincent Gallo, CC doesn't think so.

CC's off to Albuquerque this weekend with Seattle Maggie and her redheaded boyfriend Todd for the wedding of our friends Nicole and Mark. We shall return on Wednesday, god-willing preserved from the turquoise and fringe infestation that appears to be gripping the Southwest, though this information is based soley on research from the back of our two guide books.

We really are looking forward to the few days off, CC's been kinda running ourselves ragged lately. Last night at the final screening of the Leopard at Film Forum, CC sort of nodded off during the ball scene. But that could happen to anyone, right? Fortunately, a sound glitch which provoked upset murmurs from the viewers around woke us up right before Burt Lancaster dances with the smokin' Claudia Cardinale. Our friend Jose thought they timed that quite well, to make sure we all caught that triumphant and heart-breaking sequence. Cinecultist hopes we hadn't been snoring too loudly.

Posted by karen at August 27, 2004 7:46 AM