Imagine a TV show that's IFC's Film Fanatic meets Blind Date but without Roger Lodge -- sounds brilliant to us. But maybe that's because Cinecultist has been known to rule out potential dates based on their DVD collection. CC received the following call for submissions in our inbox yesterday and so we pass it along to our readers in hopes that one of you cuties will get cast on this thing, so we can get the inside dirt. We have the contact name and address, so if you'd like to submit yourself drop us an e-mail or IM.
"Movie Match" for AMC hooks up men and women based on their movie compatibility. Very fun, very classy movie-themed dating interstitial. Looking for real people, actors, comics (all are welcome!). Each week someone is selected as "host" and interviews fellow movie lovers of the opposite sex during commercial breaks. After each break the host gives candid asides to camera. Picks favorite during last commercial break and they are rewarded with a movie date. Pays $250 for up to 3 hours of shooting + $100 bonus to "winner" and host + all expense paid movie date.Posted by karen at July 27, 2004 8:02 AMMovie Lovers should be very attractive, charismatic and altogether interesting, must have great sense of humor and strong opinions about Movies and Life, and know what they're looking for in a potential mate.
Shoots week of August 19th in NYC.
No union jurisdiction.