Apologies loyal cinecultists for our lackluster posting schedule this week, we'd like to blame the now concluded week of paid vacation from the Day Job. It's been great vacationing here in the Eee Vee but it has made us a little lax on the posting front and for that we're sorry. However! It doesn't mean we haven't been up to stuff, some of it cinema related no less.
Highlights included —
• Volunteering for the up coming Asian American International Film Festival beginning next Friday, July 16. If you haven't ever had call to visit the Asia Society on 70th and Park Avenue, the festival is a great opportunity as they'll be screening a whole host of shorts and features from Asian filmmakers in their beautiful space here and at the new ImaginAsian Theater on 59th Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues as well. The non profit Asian Cinevision has the whole skinny on their website, including a full schedule of screenings and ticket reservations. More detailed info from us as well, as the fest nears.
• A (non-cinema related) posting on Daily Gusto regarding NYC humidity, Lush products, and the brilliant idea of freezing bath gel into ice cube sized servings. Try it! Brilliant!
• Attending a Thursday early afternoon CC matinee in Times Square of Antoine Fuqua's new King Arthur, produced by the evil?-evil-genius-more-like Jerry Bruckheimer. We wanted to post a big ol' picture of Keira Knightley and maybe a smaller but still prominent one of Clive Owen but those marketing minions have made the site stills un-Right-Click-Save-able. But let CC rest assure you Keira fans out there, girlfriend is gorgeous and fierce in this film heavy on the liberties with historical accuracy front. And we mean "fierce" not in the gay definition way (thanks, Jason!) but in the sooner shoot you with an arrow while wearing Celtic tattoos and woven leather straps on her breasts, than look at you sort of way. Brilliant!
• Drinking free drinks with a few bloggers in the LES, hearing a little gossip and discovering there are actually two girls who are in fact bigger Ben Gibbard fanatics/stalkers than ourselves. Crazy! This evening was a preface to further postings CC will be doing for other venues, but more on that when it comes to pass. Vague, vague, etc.
To come before the return to actual work on Monday some serious dental work (insert sad face) but also David Cross with Tinkle performing at Southpaw and the release of Anchorman in the theaters (very happy face)! Silver lining, cinecultists, silver lining.
Posted by karen at July 9, 2004 7:15 PM