April 26, 2004

Can You Say "So Best?"

What a lovely thing to rediscover that bloggers can be as charming and witty in person as their online personas suggest. This revelation courtesy of a gathering at Pianos on Saturday evening which Cinecultist dragged Josh Cultivated Stupidity to. Thanks so much for the buzz-alicious convos with the cuties Uncle Grambo, Lindsayism, Gawker, Real Janelle, and Miss Modernage, as the CC tendency was to stand in the corner intimidated by the talent in this hipster haven. How nice to know that introducing ourselves as "Karen" gets either a "hi/kind handshake" or a "are you Karen Plus One?" but saying we're Cinecultist gets a big old hug.

Posted by karen at April 26, 2004 7:45 AM