March 11, 2004

Gossip And Detritus

Elf 2 Congratulations to Will Ferrell and wife Viveca on the birth of their son, Magnus Paulin Ferrell 8lbs 12 ounces Sunday. Dare we hope for a comedy dynasty? [via the AP]

Who'ffleck, What'ffleck? Ben "Back Peddling" Affleck is trying to reconnect with what made him a stah-r -- Miramax, Harvey and Kevin Smith. Making a statement last night at the premiere of his new movie, Jersey Girl, he apologized for agreeing to be involved in Peter Biskind's book Down and Dirty Pictures, the exposé on Miramax. In addition according to the Post, "spies said he met up with several women in a West Village bar last Saturday night, "bought them all rounds of shots and then took them back to Matt Damon's apartment where he is staying." Affleck himself did not drink." Ah, to have been a fly on the glass at that Da Silvano-ish place.

Saliva Swapping In the "Apparently This Counts As News" category, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have both been getting lots of colds on the set of their new movie, Mr and Mrs Smith, where they play married assassins trying to kill each other. According to the Post and its sources, "part of the problem apparently stems from extensive shooting of love scenes where the two share saliva." That clears it all up for us.

Posted by karen at March 11, 2004 8:13 AM