Movie things to do tonight if you are downtown in Cinecultist's nabe:
* Today begins the New York Underground Film Festival screened at Anthology Film Archives on 2nd Avenue. In its 11th year and running through March 16, the festival features premieres of new documentaries, features, shorts, experimental works, installations and live music & multimedia shows. The full list of filmmakers (including CC favorite Guy Maddin) and their works screening available on the NYUFF site. Tickets cost $8.50 or 10 ticket punch cards for $50 and are available at Anthology. [via Flavorpill]
* Wednesday nights are Movieoke Night at the Den of Cin on Avenue A. Starting at 9 pm, act out your favorite movie scenes against the backdrop of a large screen dvd projection. Don't worry, beer and wine to fuel your Pacino impression will be available. The evening is created and hosted by Anastasia Fite and you can read more about it on this Fox News article. [via CC reader Lisa]
Update: CC and the NYT on the same brainwave -- honest, we didn't know this article was appearing when we wrote this posting. Eeoowww, creepy.