With the Golden Globes coming up this Sunday, PCC thought she would indulge in a bit pre-award guessing and predicting. While she doesn't have the best track record, it's always fun to take a stab at these things. See the official site for a list of the nominees.
Best Picture- Drama
PCC's Choice: Mystic River
Sean Penn's performance alone would secure PCC's vote, but when he's surrounded by, among others, the quiet pain of Tim Robbins and the cool, calculating Lady-Macbeth-in-training Laura Linney, Clint's latest film should triumph.
Likely Winner: LOTR: Return of the King
Peter Jackson's final installment has everything the closing chapter of a trilogy should: epic physical and psychological battles, true friendship, amazing visuals and top-notch acting. PCC would have no problem if this film finally got its precious.
Best Picture- Comedy
PCC's Choice: Lost in Translation
Sofia Coppola's film is gorgeously filmed, emotionally moving and truly funny. Bill Murray and Scarlet Johansson are perfectly cast as the aging actor and his new friend. The scene where they whisper goodbye is made even better by Coppola's choice to exclude any actual dialogue. Even though PCC loved Pixar's Finding Nemo, she will reserve her fish vote for the Oscars when Nemo will surely be in the running for Best Animated Feature.
Likely Winner: Lost in Translation
Coppola's sophomore feature was one of the best-reviewed films of the year and there is a strong Oscar buzz for Best Picture, Director, Actor and Actress. Both of these are excellent indicators for a "golden" evening come Sunday.
Best Actor- Drama
PCC's Choice: Sean Penn for Mystic River
Penn's performance is amazing. Enough said.
Likely Winner: Sean Penn for Mystic River
Remember the "amazing" part?
Best Actress- Drama
Likely Winner: Charlize Theron for Monster
Not only was her physical transformation amazing, but the character she created elevated a simple narrative into a gut wrenching saga.
Likely Winner: Charlize Theron for Monster
Beautiful women + weight loss/gain and/or prosthetic appendages = golden
Best Actor- Comedy
PCC's choice/Likely Winner: Bill Murray for Lost in Translation
First Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums, now Coppola's masterful second feature: we're seeing a whole new side of the extremely talented Mr. Murray.
Best Actress- Comedy
PCC's choice/Likely Winner: Diane Keaton for Something's Gotta Give
Almost 30 years after Annie Hall, Keaton's chances for a golden year look more than promising. She outshone Jack, was courted by Keanu and still managed to make the audience feel as comfortable with her as she appears to be in her own skin.
Best Supporting Actor
PCC's Choice/Likely Winner: Tim Robbins for Mystic River
Robbins' shy, broken Dave was a perfect counterpart to Penn's angry, vengeful Jimmy. Hopefully they can both walk away with a statue.
Best Supporting Actress
PCC's Choice: Patricia Clarkson for Pieces of April
Clarkson is long overdue for some recognition for her amazingly varied resume. Her performance in Pieces of April is touching and funny without ever falling to the sappy trap.
Likely Winner: Renee Zellwegger for Cold Mountain
This is always a hard category to call, since the Hollywood Foreign Press and the Academy lives to throw a wrench in prediction lists everywhere. Even though PCC isn't a fan of RZ, she has to admit that her performance in Cold Mountain was wonderful.
Best Director
PCC's Choice/Likely Winner: Peter Jackson for LOTR: Return of the King
Is there even a need to explain?
Best Screenplay
PCC's Choice/Likely Winner: Sofia Coppola for Lost in Translation
From touching kareoke scenes to whispered goodbyes, Coppola's script deserved all the kudos in the world. Jim Sheridan could also walk away with a statue for his touching account of growing up Irish in America.
Best Original Score
PCC's Choice/Likely Winner: Howard Shore for LOTR:Return of the KingAn epic trilogy needs an epic score and Shore delivered.
Best Original Song
PCC's Choice: “Time Enough For Tears”—In America (lyrics by Bono and Gavin Friday)
There's nothing like a touching song written by Ireland's premiere musical export for a touching movie written and directed by one of Ireland's great film directors.
Likely Winner: “Into The West”—LOTR: The Return Of The King (lyrics by Howard Shore and Annie Lennox)
LOTR: ROTK seems destined to rake in the statues and this song is no exception.