January 15, 2004

The Battle Rages On

Two Sixties film events in Manhattan worth an addition to your schedule:

Film Forum continues to screen The Battle of Algiers, the 1968 classic of cinema verite style from France. It's a new 35mm print of the film with newly restored subtitles and in case you didn't know, considered to be one of the big dogs for film studies. Its recreation of events in the uprising in the early '60s in Algeria contains "such gripping realism that the original U.S. distributor had to insert the disclaimer “Not one foot of newsreel or documentary film has been used.”" The kind of picture that deserves a big screen for its emotional resonance, this print of Battle distributed by Rialto will also be appearing in a few cities besides New York, Washington D.C., Chicago and Los Angeles.

Village Voice critic, former CC teacher and all around nice fellow, J. Hoberman discusses his new book The Dream Life: Movies, Media, and the Mythology of the Sixties at Coliseum Books (11 W. 42nd Street) tonight at 6pm. He will also be signing copies, if you're the type who deifies film critics and heck who are we kidding? If you read this site with any regularity you're definitely that type. [via Flavorpill]

Posted by karen at January 15, 2004 8:36 AM