October 30, 2003

Theater Review: Landmark Sunshine

Being a Cinecultist isn't just about consuming as many movies as your eye sight can stand, it is about the whole movie going experience. With this in mind, CC brings you in the next few weeks, reviews of our favorite (and hated) movie houses in New York City.

Sunshine Cinema
address: East Houston. Closest subway: 2nd Ave F/V.
A restored theater that's been a staple on the Lower East Side culture reopened about a year or so ago and now screens independent and art house movies to the LES hip. Has 5 theaters on three floors, all with stadium seating. Chi-chi concession stand. Price of a Large Diet Coke? Well above the $4 mark. Special Events: Hosts premiere screenings of indie pictures like American Splendor and the Margaret Cho concert movie, the Notorious C.H.O. They also show Midnight Movies programmed by the Village Voice. Up coming features to be hitting their screens include the Girl with the Pearl Earring. Full listing and tickets at Moviefone or 777-FILM.

Plus side: CC often ends up standing out front of this theater waiting for a friend and Houston Street is a great place for the people watching. They also have a nice lobby area on the second floor to hang out in, if you're a little early for your movie. Minuses: Can be difficult to get tickets here on the weekend nights for popular movies.

Places to grab a nosh nearby:
A toasted sandwiche at Grilled Cheese (168 Ludlow Street) hits the spot on a rainy afternoon. Or a glass of red wine and the pate plate at the Pink Pony (176 Ludlow Street) post-film will make you feel particularly cultured.

Cinema Treasures' review of the Sunshine.Check out the rest of their extensive coverage of movie theaters all over the country.

Posted by karen at October 30, 2003 8:34 AM