October 27, 2003

Examining Celebrity

Over the weekend, Cinecultist finally caught a performance of the East Village hit, Matt & Ben over at P.S. 122. Winner of the best performance award at last year's Fringe Festival, P.S. 122 mounted a limited run of the show this fall that's had so much audience interest, it has been held over and performances added (including three on Saturday nights).

The play imagines that magical moment when the script for Good Will Hunting landed on the coffeetable in that humble Boston apartment. Literally, it falls from the ceiling. Mindy Kaling plays Ben Affleck and Brenda Withers is Matt Damon and these talented women also wrote the play. The play capitalizes on a delightful premise and our abiding fascination with celebrity. We think we know these two guys because we saw them collect their Oscars for best screenplay, but what do we really know, after all, about their collaboration? Kaling and Withers bicker so realistically, like two friends who've known each other much too long, there are moments where CC felt she should leave the room, it was too intimate a display. CC highly recommends it as a funny, thoughtful evening at the theater.

One More Cultural Consumption Suggestion: Death Cab for Cutie's new album, "Transatlantism". Buy it. Lurve it. Lordy, it's so so so great. That is all.

Posted by karen at October 27, 2003 12:02 PM