October 22, 2003

Dirty Old Men

Early Saturday evening, Cinecultist stood in a crowded room in Chelsea contemplating a photograph of a nude girl bent over taken by director/photographer/lecherous old coot Larry Clark. We found out later, this was a $40,000 vagina we were gazing upon. As usual, Jose Freire, the proprietor of Team Gallery (527 West 26th Street, NYC) puts on a show that takes art, media and modern culture then messes them all up together. The show's curated by Bob Nickas, features work by 30 odd artists and has the impressively long title "My People Were Fair and Had Cum in their Hair (but Now They're Content to Spray Stars from your Boughs)." Head down there to check out the show if you're in the neighborhood, its quite an array of smut. And we mean this in the best way. Of all of the interesting peices in the show, we found that boy and his pumpkin to be quite an eye opener. Jose is one of CC's dear friends from NYU but besides this connection, we trust him to expose us to the most thoughtful artists working now, in particular those who's work is mitigated by their relationship to culture. Fascinating.

Another shout out/suggestion: Charlie Suisman is another New York cultural force that keeps CC in the know with the cool kids. His site and e-mail newsletter Manhattan User's Guide is good stuff — pretty, interesting and off the beaten path — and like a good friend, is always welcome in the inbox. He's doing a push for new sign-ups this week, so that he can continue to run the site with the costs being defrayed by some subtle advertising. Click over and check it out.

Posted by karen at October 22, 2003 8:02 AM