September 10, 2003

Down 'N Dirty Docus

"Reality" on the silver screen has been a big ol' trend this summer -- from Capturing the Friedmans, Spellbound, Cinemania, Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns and even American Splendor sorta kinda. If all of these movies have you itching for even more documentary goodness or if you're making one yourself, might we suggest checking out the Docu-Club's In the Works series. Taking a page from the Cine-clubs of the '20s and '30s with their informal gatherings of film lovers for an evening of screening and discussion, Docu-Club offers an environment for documentarians to screen their works in progress and receive feedback from a supportive audience. And then like many gatherings of movie folks, everyone whips out their cards and networks. Sounds like good fun to Cinecultist.

Yearly membership to Docu-Club is $40, though you can attend a screening for $5. The In-the-Works series takes place at Makor, 35 W. 67th and the next monthly screening will be held October 7. [via MUG]

Posted by karen at September 10, 2003 10:19 PM