September 7, 2003

Out of the Bell Jar and into the Fire?

Gwyneth Paltrow has emerged from hiberbation and can now grace your computer screen in the newly released trailer for her upcoming drama Sylvia, a biopic of the American poet Sylvia Plath. Costarring Tomb Raider's Daniel Craig as Ted Hughes, Plath's husband and English poet laureate in his own right, the film is due for release in mid-October. Convenient for another Gwynnie Oscar bid, perhaps? PCC is waiting to pass judgement on Paltrow's latest venture until after viewing the film. That's saying a lot, considering the actress' last starring vehicle was the abysmal View From the Top. Details, details. But we shall hold our tongues and wait until next month to decide if Sylvia is merely another bump on the way down the Oscar-winning has-been hellhole, or a step upwards towards a second date with that little golden man.

Posted by jordan at September 7, 2003 1:40 AM

Good luck with that.

Posted by: blackjack at February 13, 2004 3:12 AM

Fine and fantastic

Posted by: blackjack at February 13, 2004 3:12 AM