August 12, 2003

Bring On The Kimchee

Here at Cinecultist, we love Asian cinemas. But sometimes, those Asian national cinemas that aren't the big guns from Japan or Hong Kong or Mainland China get the short shrift. This weekend you can broaden your eastern horizons by taking in a few of the eighteen Korean pictures offered at this year's New York Korean Film Festival: Secret Wonderland.

Eleven of these eighteen films are US premieres and all are brought to the Quad Cinema (August 15-21) and BAM (August 22-24) by a collective of New York based Korean film students and enthusiasts. We hear that LEE Chang-Dong’s Oasis ("a powerful, often startling story which charts the romance between an ex-con and a woman with severe cerebral palsy in a painfully indifferent and cynical society") was a big hit at this year's Seattle International Film Festival but really all of the film's descriptions sound intriguing. Directors JANG Jin (The Spy) and JOO Kyung-Jung (A Little Monk) will be in attendance at the festival for brief Q&A sessions with the audience. Full schedule posted on the website. [thanks, Maggie!]

Posted by karen at August 12, 2003 2:00 PM