August 5, 2003

Meeting People in Greenpoint

Oh sure, Radiohead says that Meeting People Is Easy but they're an international pop sensation. Perhaps you should head down to the Warsaw in Greenpoint tomorrow night for this documentary on the band's 1997 OK Computer tour and pick up a few pointers.

Cinecultist remembers enjoying the film when we saw it with CM at UC Davis's excuse for an on campus theater, Chem 191, during its initial release. Thom Yorke spends most of the movie looking cranky and pensive indie rocker but the footage showing the making of the video where he sings from a diver suit as it fills with water is fascinating. Poor guy looks like he's about to drown before they yell cut on each take. Also, there's something delightful about watching the Japanese fans go nuts for the band, it is too cute. Just thinking about the movie makes CC nostalgic for those days when the design guys on the California Aggie newspaper made us listen to OK so many times we thought we might turn into a computer. *Sigh* college. [via Flavorpill]

Posted by karen at August 5, 2003 3:13 PM