Except for three ass kicking girl spies and a few English zombies, it's a light weekend at the cineplex. But, hey cinecultists, look on the bright side, it's time to spend getting caught up on the older releases you still haven't seen and maybe catch a picture at a repetory theater or at an outdoor space. Here's Cinecultist's suggestions on what to watch:
We would be remiss if we did not rhapsodize just a tad on the hotness that is the Charlie's Angels sequel, Full Throttle. Like the first Angels, a kicky cheeky little bit o' fluff with lots of outfits for our babe-licious trio and some fun Asian-style ass whomping, this sequel sounds like just about the same. It has the girls, Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu, a funny handler (Bernie Mac), some cute boys and various over the top evil characters (the come-back queen Demi Moore and Sir Creepiness Crispin Glover). There's some plot about stealing the angel's database but who cares when there's a car wash scene and those enormous billboards of the girls in bikinis? (Too much summer heat makes Cinecultist into a bit of a dude when it comes to summer films, bear with us.) CC will be there on Friday night with the hordes, not to worry.
We mentioned it last week when it opened in limited release here in New York, but this weekend 28 Days goes wide. It looks real good but also real scary as zombies descend on a diseased London. The kids over at Gothamist saw it a few weeks ago and liked it, and sadly this may be as close as CC gets because really we're wusses. Unless we can find some chatty friend who will first tell us the whole plot and then watch the movie again with us while holding our hand. See, we're big wusses.
That's about all on the big releases, so we'd recommend heading over to AMMI for one of the Polanski movies (Chinatown plays on Saturday at 1.30 pm) or perhaps try to catch one of the unusual action classics screened as part of the Heroic Grace: Chinese Martial Arts films series at Walter Reede. Film Forum also has the very superior double feature of To Be or Not to Be and Shop Around the Corner as part of the continuing Lubitsch Touch fest. Also some of CC's very good friends have been hard at work on MoMA's To Save and Protect series which is showing rare prints from the musuem's collection, in particular a new print of Jean Renoir's Nana with a simultaneous English translation. A very educational experience to be had at the beautiful Gramercy Theater.
Or, you could always go see Nemo again, if only to get in somewhere that has some A/C.
Posted by karen at June 27, 2003 6:53 PM