June 25, 2003

Sick & Twisted in NY

spikemike.jpgAn annual tradition when Cinecultist lived in Davis, CA a town with *slightly* less cultural opportunity than New York, was the Spike and Mike's Sick & Twisted Festival of Animation. Held at the Crest Theater in the "historic" part of Sacramento, it was an excuse to get out for a night on the town. Granted CC, as a pretty serious attender of Women's Studies classes in college, shouldn't have been so into the boob-centric humor of S&M's cartoons. CC can't really speak to how good the shorts are (28 this year according to the flyer) but its silly, juvenile fun. That's something we all need from time to time.

This weekend, this year's version comes to the Village East Theater from June 27-July 3. Just a final word to the wise, there are a few entries that rate "the date's all over" on the puke-o-meter, so keep this in mind when choosing your viewing partners. Also, if you missed the viewing dates at your local theater, many past years of Spike & Mike are available on DVD.

Posted by karen at June 25, 2003 2:46 PM