Back in the day, Cinecultist lurved Grease. It was the one that we wanted, ooh-ooh-ooh-honey. We also lurved Grease 2. Michelle Phieffer, we hardly knew ye. But now this American Idol movie, From Justin to Kelly, loosely based on the campy period teenage hormonal fun of Grease freaks us out. We just don't understand the hype. Fortunately, we have the Morning News writer, Sarah Hepola to explain things to us. Her photos and first hand account of a Kelly appearance at the movie theater where Kelly used to work in Burleson, Texas give an intersting insight into the phenomenom of these home-grown celebs.
You can also check out the movie's flash-tastic site, but don't expect any further information other than: Justin meets Kelly at Spring Break, they dance and sing and fall in love and stuff. Go greased lightening go!
Posted by karen at June 19, 2003 5:10 PM