As Cinecultist flew high over the "middle states" today, en route to Los Angeles (yes, we're a real bi-coastal site) we discovered via DirecTv on Jet Blue that acting legend Gregory Peck died today, at the age of 87.
Looking back at this amazing actor's filmography, it makes CC sad and happy at the same time. Sad that he's gone but so happy that he bestowed upon us so many wonderful roles. Perhaps we should all take a moment of silence, (*sigh*) and then start planning the retrospectives.
Some pictures that must be included:
To Kill A Mocking Bird -- voted just recently by American Film Institute as the greatest hero of all time, Peck plays Atticus Finch, the idealistic lawyer from the South based on the classic novel. A phenominal performance in a truly compelling film.
Roman Holiday -- Audrey Hepburn's debut as a princess let loose on Rome would not be the cinematic milestone it is without Peck, as the slightly corrupt journalist on the make who falls for Hepburn's innocence and charm. The scene at the Mouth of Truth is one for the ages.
Peck also starred in a version of Moby Dick and a number of westerns, war films as well as The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, the original Cape Fear (as well as a cameo in Scorsese's version) and horror classic, the Omen.
Eldred Gregory Peck is survived by his wife, Veronique, his children, and mournful women (and men) everywhere.
Posted by karen at June 12, 2003 10:48 PM