Albuquerque 8/04 Pictures
The view from the parking lot at our hotel in Santa Fe.
Maggie mails a letter in this historic drum shaped thing. Or pretends to.
Movie puns for tchatskie stores! Make it stop! Make it stop!
Real Turquoise sold by Gen-uine New Mexico-ers
Sun-dappled hotel courtyard in Old Town Santa Fe
Cinecultist and Seattle Maggie
The end of the ceremony
Todd and Mags
A view from the Hacienda. What a drive to get up there though. You've never seen rocks on dirt road like this before kids.
the Hacienda from the front
a bubbling fountain
Cocktail hour in the courtyard
Raymond the Goulash Man and the Prater Girl
more view
even more view, this time from inside
the Lee Kuos. (aka Bonnie & Dave) god, they're a rockin' couple
more old friends
our awesome dinner
the moon, the happy couple, the rest of us gaze on
mmm, cake
need more flash to see the dancers, but they're there all right
watch out Todd, your girlfriend caught the bouquet
we like the nightlife. we like to boogie
Maggie's a good driver
the flora
welcome to Cerrillos on the Turquoise trail
an enormous llama
Mags fascinated by the enormous llama
Todd likes the aminals
invitation to get llama hand. todd barely resists.
real live jackalopes. we kid you not. except for the alive part. back to cinecultist